Monday, May 9, 2011


"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain." This is a quote that I saw yesterday that inspired me. It made me stop and think about my current situation. Right now my life is a storm and I am just sitting here waiting for the next treatment to come and go, waiting for the side effects of the last treatment to wear off, waiting for my life to get back to normal. Why isn't my life normal now? Why am I sitting here anticipating each treatment? Why am I dwelling on the side effects of treatment? I need to get up and dance in the rain that is my life. I need to get off my couch and stop waiting. This is still my life and I have the choice to sit here and get by or I can take my life back and say a big "F you" to the treatments and everything that go with them. No one is promised tomorrow, all we can do is live today. These are words that I will now put into action, I, if anyone, has a reason to live each day like its my last. There is no such thing as being "cured" from cancer, you are put into remission. I believe that after x amount of years you can consider yourself cured but once you have cancer you will always live with the thought that at any moment it can come back. Sitting around and worrying is all I used to do and look where that got me. I have zero control over what the cells in my body do but I do have control over what my mind does. From this day forward I am making a promise to myself, my husband, my kids, my family, my friends, I will get up each day get dressed and go about my day like I did before, well not exactly like I did before, modified but I will no longer sit around and just be. "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain".

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this!!! Keep your spirits up, only 4 more to go!!!!
